5 Tips that Need to Follow When Commenting on a Blog.

Blog CommentingMaking comments on a blog can seem like tedious work, but if you are good at it, you can actually drive traffic to your website that you are trying to promote. Comments may seem like annoying things, and some blogs think that only spanners comment on their blogs. If you follow these 10 tips to commenting on blogs, you will be able to make some great comments and hopefully drive traffic to the site you are promoting. 

Make a valuable comment

Make a comment that will actually add value to the blog that you are commenting on. Don't write, “Wow, that was a great post!” Anybody can write those, and you'll look like a spammer.

Must be unique in Commenting

When you comment like “nice post”, “great post”, or “nice tips”  then it is just heap of time then nothing. Mostly these type of comments are being sent to Spam. So you should also be professional in commenting.

Comment on all blogs

Don't comment on any blog by just looking it's Page Rank, You should keep in mind it's Page Rank along with it's popularity and the type of posts it has. When you are searching a post and you find it then you should place a comment in more authentic way.

Never hyperlink the text

While commenting on a blog keep in mind never to hyperlink you text as when you hyperlink it then your comment is doomed to be sent to the spam inbox. Also in most cases it seems that they ban the IP on their blog.

Search for Do Follow Blogs

While commenting on a blog keep in mind that do they allow the do follow comments. As in do follow case you canincrease your backlinks. Remember that not all the  backlinks are created equal. Note that No Follow policy does not allow the backlinks creation so before commenting search for Do Follow blogs.


Kendra Fowler said...

Invite Controversy - Haha!! I liked it a lot!! It sure is a great way as people can't just resist the tempatation to prove their point.

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