Advertise Here gadget for Blogger.

Advertise Here
You must have seen such Advertise Here/Your ad Here ads on this blog or many other blogs. There are some blogs that say that they are Ad Ready. But you don't have to change your blog template for those ad blocks. Adding an Ad section to your blog isn't that tough. It will just take less than 5 minutes to place Advertise Here ads on your blog. You don't even have to search for Blogger Templates having ad slots.

Today I was creating the custom Advertise Here banners for my blog. I thought to share it with all my readers so you can easily embed Sponsors Ad Slot in your Blogger Account. Let see how to "Add Advertise Here Banners" in Blogger and Attract Advertisers.

To do this you have to do following steps:

  • Log in to your Blogger Dashboard and Navigate to Design> Edit HTML.
  • Copy below code and paste it just before the ]]></b:skin> code.

.adslot {
border:2px solid aliceBlue;

Now Go to Design > Page Elements and Add a HTML/JavaScript Gadget.
Give Title Name as "Sponsors" or Whatever else you want to put.
Paste below image code in the content area and save your widget.

<img border="0" class="adslot" alt="Advertise wit us banner" src="">

Note: Repeat above given image code 3 times and you will be able to see 4 Advertise here banners on your blog. 

That’s it save it and Check your blog you have an Advertise Here Gadget added to your blog.

Update: Added some more background images to use as an advertising banner.

<img border="0" src="" alt='Advertise Here Banner' />

<img border="0" src="" alt='Advertise Here' />

<img border="0" src="" alt='Your Ad Here' />


Jade said...

Awesome post! Thanks a lot for the information :)
How do i link the images to my contact page?

Muhammad Usman said...


Nice of you...
To link the contact page follow the following steps.

Copy the contact page URL.
Now while pasting the Code click the image then click on link button and paste the Contact page URL there. It will be linked Automatically

Myriam said...

Great info! Thank you so much!

I actually want the picture to be a link over to the advertisers website.... How do I do this??

Muhammad Usman said...


Yeah it's simple.. Just change the Picture URL with the picture you want to show..
URL need to be changed in code is below:

When you upload a picture you will get the picture URL so just change this URL with that URL.

Thanks and stay in touch for more.

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