You have listened and viewed the several tricks to secure your Email accounts with mobile security code on Gmail and Ymail Etc. But have you ever thought to avail this facility on Facebook? I was working on this for last few days to get this trick and finally I have discovered the way that Facebook is providing this facility to Log in to the Facebook account using Mobile Security Code.
There are minor settings which are needed to be done to avail this facility. I will tell you how to do this trick. Just use the following steps:
- Log in to your Facebook Account then click on Account.
- After that select the Account Settings.
After that your account Settings will be opened.
- After that click on Account Security.
- Now check the log in Approval.
While doing this a new window will be open which ask you to verify your mobile Now click on Next. Select your country and enter the Mobile number.
Now click on next. Facebook will send you a security code you have to enter that security code in newly opened window. After it a new window will open which ask you to enter the computer name. Now save the settings.
That’s it now every time when you login to your Facebook account facebook will send you a security code which you have to enter to access your account.
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