Latest Wonder by Google | Google TV.

Google TVEveryone knows that Google has become one of the most prominent Search Engines in the world. Its activity is no longer confined only with searching data but also, it has launched a large number of wonderful features and crafts by far. At the year 2010 and 2011, it has created a number of beauties. The following article is going to introduce you with Google TV which is recent creation By Google. Hope you will enjoy it. So, let’s begin.

Google TV is an open platform for TV-related devices that brings together the best of TV and the best of the web to deliver the premier entertainment experience for the living room. It is built on Android and runs the Google Chrome web browser.

Google TV Web Site Optimization Resources:

The Google TV Web Optimization Guide has many resources to help you optimize your website for Google TV. With these resources, you can quickly design a "10-foot UI" that looks great and is easy to navigate.

Optimization Guide

This guide has four sections:

  • User experience (UX) concepts for the 10-foot UI and the Google TV environment.
  • HTML, CSS, and JavaScript samples and other technical tips that help you optimize your website for Google TV.
  • A guide to optimizing Adobe Flash for Google TV.
  • A checklist of Google TV web optimization tasks.

Developer Resources:

This guide also contains the following developer resources:

Google TV Optimized Templates, a collection of HTML5 and Flash pages that are already optimized for Google TV. You can use these as the basis of your website. 

A beta version of the Google TV Web UI library, which provides controls and keyboard navigation solutions for both jQuery and Closure. You can use these to help develop your own custom website.

Although the physical screen size of a TV attached to a Google TV device appears to be quite large, the viewing distance is also much larger than that for a mobile device. The apparent size of the Google TV screen turns out to be only slightly different from a mobile phone's screen. The large setting ensures that Android does not display a UI that is too spread out and too small to see.
To understand the effective size of the screen more clearly, sit ten feet away from a Google TV screen, hold up an Android mobile phone at a normal viewing distance, and compare the sizes. You'll see that the two apparent sizes are very close to each other. 


Kamran khan said...

Its an amazing feature and gadget designed and provided by Google thanks man thanks for sharing such an informative post.

Shanzeh Qamar said...

Amazing news to hear from Google thanks Dear

Alex Deph said...

is this available in all over the World or is it Limited? Otherwise it is very amazing to hear from Google. Thanks for sharing friend.

Muhammad Usman said...

@ Shanzeh & Kamran.... Thanks Friends stay in touch for more Informative articles.

Muhammad Usman said...

@ Alex... Friend It is available all over the world You can buy it and can use where you want. You can customize your Web and Tv on a single device.

Alex Deph said...

Wow.... Thanks man thanks for helping I love this service provide by the Google. I will surely now buy one for my home use .... Thanks again man.

Muhammad Usman said...

@ Alex...... You are welcome Dear.... :) Stay in touch for more.....

Aleena Naaz said...

Hmmm It's amazing thing that Google has designed custom Tv with Web on a single device. Awesome feature ... Great work Usman.

Muhammad Usman said...

@ Aleena... You are welcome...:)

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