5 Tips to get Contents Retweeted.

Content is still the king whether you are trying to cash in on the astounding popularity of social media platforms like Twitter or use your blog to reach out to your readers; few things can elicit the stupendous responses that you can get from informative content that adds value . Retweeting your content not only helps to put the spotlight on your blog, site or personal brand but also helps to attracts more followers. Apart from this, offering content that adds value to your followers through retweeting will also holds innumerable benefits for your personal brand. Whether you are retweeting the url to your own content or that of another writer, the simple fact that you took the effort to let your followers know about good content will be enough to garner loyalty from them.

Repeat the Tweets:

When your write a post after working hard on that then you deserve that you should be followed by other. For this you have to to repeat your best tweets again and again as this method get the attention of others. Here you have to note the point that never retweet the same points again and again. Modify them in other wording then retweet.

Ask your friends to Retweet:

When you have a tweet and you want it retweeted then simply message your friends to retweet your tweet and in this simple method you will get your contents retweeted. Now it depends on you that How many friends you have. More friends will result in more retweets.

Add a Retweet Button to Blog/Website:

Twitter has launched a facility for the web designers and bloggers to add retweet button to their blog or website. Which is very liked by the designers because installing this button to website or blog result in easy way for the visitors to retweet your contents.

Building Relationship of Retweeting:

Now a days a method has been adopted by most of bloggers to promote others contents in reward of promoting their contents. Means that when you promote their contents in rewards they will promote your contents. This method is one of most authentic way of retweeting also of Getting something after giving something. 

Engage others by Asking Question: 

A simple way adopted on familiar social networks is to engage others by asking interesting questions according to their sense of view. Means you can get a better way of retweets when you ask something interesting from others. Because when they will be angaged with you then they will surely results in retweeting your contents. This is also one of the interesting way of engaging others and retweeting the contents from them.


Shafi Jaan said...

Amazing tips for retweeting. Many readers can get info from it thanks friend

Jeff Goins said...

Agreed. It's communal.

Carrie Smith said...

You're writing about writing to get more comments. And I'm commenting about writing to get more comments. :)

This post has been really helpful for me. When I first started writing (being so new) I wrote for myself and what "I thought" readers wanted. Now I write for my readers from a deeper part of myself. That's when others will comment and share as well.

When the post is genuine.

Joanne Munro said...

Really useful post but I'm still none the wiser really. I have a personal blog and a craft blog that people comment on all the time, but my productivity blog (I'm a VA) gets hardly any comments at all - despite my stats and other people telling me they read it!

I'm pretty sure I'm following all the advice and points you've outlined, but maybe it's the readership? I hardly ever comment on blogs myself and just read them to gain knowledge (I'm working my way through every post you've ever written!) so maybe people use mine in the same way?

Muhammad Usman said...

@Joanne Munro
Yeah it may be in that way or may be not. As it depends on their thought for what they are visiting.

@Carrie Smith
@Jeff Goins
@Shafi Jaan

Thanks friends stay in touch for more.

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